Correlation analysis

Diagnose the why behind the what

Correlation analysis suggests which events and properties lead to success or failure using transparent statistical models.

Works great with funnels

Instantly see what events and user properties correlate to success or failure in any PostHog funnel.

Filter out the noise

Remove low value suggestions in one click, so you can focus on what actually leads to success.

No dubious “AI”

We use transparent, testable statistical models. We don’t use acronyms for the sake of it.

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Product analytics
Correlation Analysis 
Correlate events to outcomes
Correlate user properties to outcomes
Automatic correlation discovery
Correlate to funnel completion
Correlate to funnel drop-off
Correlate to user retention
Filter by cohort
Filter by user property or event
View correlation confidence
Create cohort from correlation
"PostHog has helped us improve our product and get a much better understanding of our users than we've ever been able to before."
Anca FilipHead of Product, Mention Me

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