Raquel Smith's README

Last updated:

This guide might help you understand how I work and how you can best work with me.


I'm a scientist at heart who loves taking complex ideas and combining them into one simple product that users love - and that's why I'm a home cook.

Juuuust kidding. That's why I write code! I wrote my first line of "code" when I was 19 years old trying to change the color of an h1 on my WordPress website. I found the stylesheet, changed the hex code, sweated bullets as I pressed the save button, and then my jaw hit the floor when it worked. I continued to tinker with websites through my dual undergrad programs in Molecular Biology and Microbiology, and finally after graduating taught myself how to actually code.

In my career I've built websites for food bloggers, headed up Product at a manufacturing tech startup, built and ran my own startup (it failed), and finally found a role that allows me to do both PM and engineering as a growth engineer here at PostHog.

I live in San Luis Obispo, CA with my husband, AJ, our two little girls, Kacey and Norah, and our black lab pup, Dedas. In my spare time you'll either find me riding my mountain bike on the local trails or making tasty food in my kitchen (I do actually really like to cook).

Areas of responsibility


  • Because I have kids I don't just work a single long chunk during the day. I will often work early in the morning or at night and sometimes have to take random hours in the day to do kid stuff.
  • Because of the above, I may send messages in slack at odd hours. Please always feel free to ignore these messages until it's a good time for you to respond.
  • I don't do well with people who criticize without kindness. I'm a bit of a sensitive soul and kindness goes a long ways.
  • That being said, I do generally take kind feedback well, so please don't hesitate to tell me where I can improve.
  • I often spout off "facts" that are simply things that may seem obvious to me, but in reality might not be true. Please feel free to call me on this and ask for my sources.
  • I joke around a lot and try to make it obvious with emojis and the like. If I say something that you're not sure is a joke, assume it is - and let me know if something I say is offensive in any way.
  • I tend to make fun of people out of love, and I don't mean any harm in it, but if it bothers you please let me know.
  • Also related - I sometimes don't have a great verbal filter and say things that I later regret. I'm working on this so please give me grace (and, again, let me know if anything I say is offensive).
  • I tend to ask a lot of questions and feel like it can get annoying for people but I can't help myself and I'm sorry if it annoys you. I don't intend to change this habit much.
  • I tend to try to do things without getting help, but I am working on asking for help more. If you feel like I am struggling feel free to simply offer to help.
  • I like to know what my areas of responsibility are and to work autonomously in those areas. Feedback and recommendations are always appreciated, but at the end of the day I do not like to be micromanaged and do not do well in that environment.


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