Karl-Aksel Puulmann's README

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This guide might be helpful in working with me.

Career Bio

You can find more information on LinkedIn, but TL;DR is:

  • I interned at Stripe
  • I was an early engineer at Heap Analytics
  • I was the CTO of eAgronom, a great product-led agritech startup

This background gives me a uniquely powerful perspective on what we need and how to build a great analytics tool.

What I work on, goals

Some of my past and ongoing projects here include:

  • Building out session recording and group analytics initial versions
  • Speeding up data ingestion and fixing data consistency issues
  • Improving query performance
  • Modernizing posthog-js and getting tricky areas of code under test
  • Getting our clickhouse helm charts production-ready

As an engineer, I'm a generalist - I enjoy throwing myself at impactful and difficult core issues and chewing through them in a systematic way from first principles.

Goal-wise, I am focused in becoming a better IC/engineer by:

  • Shipping lots of hard, tricky projects
  • Finding lenses through which to make complicated problems easy
  • Improving my communication around tricky issues
  • Creating something fundamentally useful and amplifications and maintaining it
  • Empowering the people around me to make great decisions

Personality and quirks

  • I am both self-deprecating and humble in person. I honestly think all adults are just faking it :)
  • I am very direct in my written word, it can sound harsh.
    • This also known as the Estonian style of communication.
    • I both assume and hope I'm attributed good intent - the goal is to provide clear and actionable feedback, not punish.
    • Please always push back if you disagree with what I'm saying or see a better or more pragmatic path forward. There are always multiple paths forward!
  • I really value tight feedback loops. Being wrong and making lots of mistakes is in my opinion the only way to learn.
  • I will ask you about "What did you learn from X" since it's a good framing device for learning.
  • I care deeply about getting things done
    • I will try to offer alternatives and other potential solutions
    • I'll call you out if I see work flows that don't work, e.g. huge pull requests or not leveraging feature flags
    • I'll call you out for lack of testing/clarity/expectation setting on your pull requests
  • I don't know what's valuable to document vs not. I rely heavily on people around me to set that context.
  • I use a well-oiled Linux machine and stay well away from Apple hardware and software.
  • I have a small child and try to set clear and strict boundaries between work and personal life. Meetings with US-based I'll try to schedule to be early in your day (e.g. 9 or 10am East Coast).
  • I care deeply about the well-being of people in our team - take care of yourself, this is a marathon not a sprint.
  • I work best in a team, having someone cover my weaknesses and someone to bounce off of.


  • UI/UX/tricky product decisions are areas where I'm less confident in and need support with
  • When problems don't have a high impact, I am less excited about them, making me often less inclined to pick up specific-customer type problems.
  • I'm a jack of all trades, master of none
  • Multi-tasking is something I try to avoid as I tend to become really unproductive. Specifically mixing in-the-trenches work and high-level work is something I struggle with when working alone.

How I can help you

  • ClickHouse knowledge
  • I have broad context into everything to do with engineering and product.
  • Happy to provide input into why and what we're building product-wise, help scope projects and talk about prioritization.
  • I can provide guidance around how to get quickly started with any unfamiliar codebase, around tricky refactors, testing and minimizing risk shipping huge changes.
  • I have years of experience with optimizing team workflows and trying to be as productive as possible. I might have a few tips to share!
  • I am always happy to review your code or just chat about anything

How to reach me: just send a message in slack proposing a time to chat :)

How you can help me

  • Provide me feedback - the more and more raw, the better
  • Call me out on being wrong - I'm still learning!
  • I love working with people who are better than me in certain areas - I love to pair and pick up tricks and tips.


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